Writing Prompt #26

Hi everyone!

If you’re up for the challenge, and are (or have been) inspired by the following (or any of the previous) image(s), please share whatever you create.  Come back and post a link in the comments and let’s build a community where we share and inspire one another.


Happy Writing!

9 thoughts on “Writing Prompt #26

  1. Hi! I recently stumbled onto your blog. I love your picture prompts! This picture inspired me immediately. Also, I think it’s great that you’re trying to put together a writer’s community on your blog. I don’t have many other writers around me so it’s nice being able to connect with people via the internet.

    Things Best Left Forgotten


    • Well, hmm…I was planning on posting my writings as well. There’s no reason to put out the challenge if I don’t plan on being a part of it. 🙂 I have a thing for lost, underworld places, so that’s why I chose this particular image. If you look behind the waterfall, there’s a figure. So maybe some sort of Indiana Jones adventure? Good luck!


      • Oh okay….I’m not too good at writing fictional stories. I think that’s the hardest type of writing! Congrats to you for being able to do it! 🙂


      • I haven’t had a chance to pop over to your page yet…so do you write non-fiction? If so, a virtual high-five to you, because I couldn’t do that. I am so way over on the other side, I write fantasy. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, or I have most of the other images up on the side, so maybe one of those will stir your imagination..?


      • Yipp, I write inspirational posts and other random stuff I guess…I guess we could both try each other’s style of writing for a challenge 🙂 That’ll be cool!


      • I try to be as encouraging as I can, because I want people to succeed in their dreams, but to write something specifically inspirational…yes, there in lies the challenge. 🙂


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