Captain America: Civil War

Civil War

You know I have to talk about Captain America: Civil War (or Avengers Part 3).  Don’t worry, it’s spoiler free!

For months I’ve avoided most of the buzz in order to keep the mystery alive when the film finally came out.  Most of you know I’m Team Cap – here’s a little refresher as to why.  If you haven’t seen Captain America: Winter Soldier, here’s my ramble on that great movie.  It ranks among my top five in the superhero genre, and I think Civil War may have just joined its ranks…so which one gets the boot then…?

In today’s social media driven world, it’s hard to remain naive to story developments and spoilers unless you’re like me – dedicated to the ignorance.  I have to avert my eyes on so many things, because as you all know, I’m always behind.  It’s difficult sometimes and exhausting to almost always be on the outside, but it usually pays off.

It boils down to this – I don’t want my movie going experience to be ruined, and this harkens back to the time when I was a kid and all these devices of inundation had yet to be invented.

I didn’t know the actual premise of the movie, because the storylines of some of the movies versus the original comic book series have been altered.  There were great memes of why Steve Rogers and Tony Stark might be at war, like this gem:


But the actual storyline is much more interesting, obviously, because in the continuing Captain America theme, it deals with the current political climate.  After all the recent damage done by the Avengers while they’ve been trying to stop alien attacks and Hydra infiltration and global extermination, some people feel that they don’t care about what they leave behind, the collateral damage.

There’s no accountability, and the U.N. is calling for oversight by way of the Sokovia Accords – a document that requires the signatures of all the Avengers to comply with a U.N. council that will determine when and where they are needed.  Those who don’t sign will forcibly be “retired”.

Captain America and Iron Man have differing views on this topic, and for good reason, which leads to their falling out.  Another touchy subject, and a running theme, is what to do with Cap’s best friend, Bucky aka The Winter Soldier.  Oh, Buck Buck.

I like Iron Man a great deal.  It was his first movie that paved the way for all the subsequent films, and the first Iron Man is still one of my favorites, but I’m a Cap girl, all the way.  It’s easy to side with either man in this film, but my solution would be to find some middle ground, but as you might suspect, there’s more going on then just this document to fuel such a division in our team.

I squealed in both delight and fear during the trailer of Cap, Bucky, and Iron Man fighting.


A great scene by the way, even if I felt it was a little unsportsmanlike, but again, there’s good reason.

Marvel has done an excellent job of weaving their universe through their films and Civil War is no different.  As most of you fellow geeks already know Black Panther, and yes, another Spiderman movie are on their way and get a little peek in Civil War.

Overall, a wonderful film that brings to a head all the previous movies and their consequences.  I can’t wait to see what else the MCU has in store for us!


I’m already planning on when to see this again, in part because apparently only one other person, besides me, laughed at something and I can’t remember what it was.  The Sis and our friend both laughed at me afterwards as they reminded me of this, thinking that apparently the joke was meant for people of a certain age.  Sheesh.  A side note for those of you over a “certain age” and know of the RDJ film Only You, you’ll find a little nod to that movie as well.

And remember to stay for the credits, not only to pay homage all those hard working men and women who remain unseen, but also for the easter eggs.  I’m still surprised by the amount of people who leave the theater after all this time.