Moving Forward on The Journey


I recently read a quote that said, “How can you expect the universe to give you what you want when you’re not clear on what it is that you want?”.  Or something to that effect.  When I made the conscious decision to change things this year, they started to change.  When I made my goals clear and started acting upon them, the universe began to respond.

On Saturday, I met with a group of women with different pursuits in the entertainment industry and am meeting with two of them further to discuss collaborations.  Then I received a lovely message that another blogger, aspecialkindofuniquehad given me The Liebster Award (which I will work on tonight).  This award recognizes new bloggers with under 200 followers for their content.  Thank You!  Thank You!

See, all it took was a little mental kick in the butt to start making things happen!  I have my writer’s group tonight and then I’m attending a meeting with a career coach later this week to learn how to further my career goals.  All of this has been a huge confidence boost and a great motivator to keep moving forward.

So thank you to all of you who have been supportive and encouraging as I start this new phase of the journey, progress!

Here’s to making good things happen!  Good luck!

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