Celebrating My 10th Anniversary: A Retrospective – Year Five

And now we come to the mid point.

5 years.

The fun part of this experience, reflecting on my last 10 years of blogging, is actually looking back on what was happening in my life all those years ago. As the title of my blog suggests, I have a terrible memory, so going back and reading old posts has given me a chance to muse and contemplate and laugh…and maybe wince a little.

An interesting little tidbit I discovered – my writing voice hasn’t changed much in all these years. Huh.

So, after working for about a year in the deadbeat serving job where I utilized my great amounts of free time to write great amounts of fanfic, I got a much better job working for a country club. It was a good job. It allowed me to buy a new car, build a savings account, and get out of debt. I got into the banquet side of things and the money was even better.

Then they offered me a promotion.

And all my writing, blogging included, took a back seat.

That year my visitors fell to just below 3k. I wrote just 28 posts.


I hear the woman from Game of Thrones in my head. “Shame. Shame. Shame.”

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

The posts I shared on the writing side were limited, as I only wrote 28 in total that year. They were mostly relegated to quotes and writing prompts with the occasional flash fiction compilation from me. I think one or two other writers still were joining me then.

I just didn’t have the time. Normal business hours plus erratic banquet hours…I don’t know how I ever got anything done?

I suppose I didn’t.

On the personal side, The Sis and I got our sister tattoos. On a visit back to LA, my car was broken into and all our stuff was stolen. The people I worked with were ever so nice – they took up a collection of money and gift cards to help offset some of the cost to replace some of our things. I cried.

The Sis and I took our first official vacation in like 16 years. Aloha, Hawaii! We drank pina coladas for breakfast, mai tais for lunch, and just relaxed. We did a little sightseeing, but we were there to reset. And reset we did. That was a good time.

It’s been like six since, so maybe it’s time to plan something again…soon.

It’s amazing how the time flies – how some things change, and how some things stay the same. I look forward to remembering the last four years with you.

Thank you all for being a part of the journey!

xx, Rach

2 thoughts on “Celebrating My 10th Anniversary: A Retrospective – Year Five

  1. Good morning Rach
    Congradulations for the 10 years
    As well for the promotion with work.
    Sounds like you had a great vacation with your sister.
    It’s important to enjoy the moments when you can. Like you said time flys.
    Just wanted to say enjoyed your post. Have a great day Rach.

    Liked by 1 person

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