I (Finally) Got a Job?!

TypewriterFontWriterLife can be funny sometimes.  After two years of struggling to find a job in Los Angeles, any job, applying for any film related position I was even half qualified for and those I was overqualified for – 200+ resumes later, I only ever received two calls.  A week back in Vegas and I had two interviews, thanks to a friend with contacts.  To be honest (and hopefully my friend doesn’t ever see this), I didn’t really want either, but who was I to complain? So I sucked it up and decided which of them would be the lesser of two evils.  After two promising interviews, a week passed without any word.  Again I was faced with the prospect that I might continue to be jobless, and although yes, I was new to this market, I wasn’t sure how much more rejection I could take (especially when it’s not in reference to my screenwriting for which I know I’ll have to develop a thick skin).

I started another round of job hunting and ground my teeth in silence.  I won’t go into the recent economic downturn and how so many people lost their jobs and homes, because this isn’t about that, but the thought that you might have to take any job for any pay is neither encouraging nor appealing.

I want to be a writer.  I want Hollywood to come calling and for studios to get into bidding wars over my scripts, but that’s still a little ways off. 😉 So I figured I could try to find something within the realm of creativity and crossed my fingers as I searched the employment sites yet again.  And then there it was…content writer wanted.  I completely rewrote my cover letter, scoured my blog for a couple decent writing samples (one of which was my insight into Doctor Who which I would later discover was probably one of the best choices I made), and sent it off a little excited by the prospect.

And then I saw them.

Using my sister’s computer, so I could remain in the vicinity of my crazy dogs who are still not comfortable because they don’t have any of their own things (we’re still in my friend’s living room), for some unknown reason, her computer did not recognize two misspelled words.  Not big errors, two missing “i’s”, but there it was, strike one.  I had one friend try to reassure me by saying I probably didn’t want to work there anyway, but what an idiotic mistake.  I should know by now to never send anything off without another pair of eyes taking a pass.  As writers we all know we never see our own errors.

The following day, I received an email saying that they liked my samples and wanted to meet with me.  Score!  (I don’t know why I just said that.  I promise to not use it again.)

I called the office and asked to speak with the woman who had sent me the email, and had misread her name so I said it wrong, like really wrong…strike two.  I shook my head for some time after that one.

Set up the interview for the same day, and I was not prepared for that so I was running a few minutes late…strike three.

I was pretty sure that was it for me, but the interview was with the two heads of the department, and they’re fellow geeks, so my interview questions were not only based on my writing and capabilities, but who I thought might win in a battle between Godzilla and some weird hybrid of a terminator-like being made up entirely of crocodiles that had hive mentality.  When I sighed and said, “Why couldn’t you ask me about Captain America or Buffy?” they laughed.  I quickly discovered they were fellow Dragon Age enthusiasts, and that was it for me.  I knew I wanted to work with them.

A half an hour later I received a phone call, I got the job.  Seriously?!  I just got a job?  A real job, writing?  YES!  The only catch, I had to start the following morning at 8:30 am.  In the morning?

A few things – I hadn’t been up at 8:30 except if it was from the night before, and I had absolutely no clothes for an office environment.  I hadn’t worked in one in some 15 years, so it was off to every store in a 5 mile radius to find at least one pair of pants.  Besides the fact that about 75% of all my clothing is in storage, I really didn’t have anything to wear.  Luckily after four stores I found two pairs of pants and they will now be my staples until I can afford to buy a few more.  I forewarned those I work with about my limited attire, I know, such a girlie thing to be concerned about.  I doubt anyone will even notice as I’m seated at a desk for 8 hours a day.

So there it is.  I am now being paid to write.  How strange is that?

Now if only I could find a place to live, get settled in, and get familiar with this new routine, then all would be right in my world…well, almost. 😉  I have to figure out how after spending all that time in front of a computer writing I will want to write my own stuff?  Any tips are welcome and appreciated!

I wish you all well and hope you are working towards your goals!  Best wishes, my friends!

12 thoughts on “I (Finally) Got a Job?!

  1. It took me many jobs and trials and errors to get to one that didn’t make me miserable that was even barely related to what I want to do, haha. So, congrats! It’s nice to be paid to write/edit/etc, even if it’s not something you necessarily want to write about. And my own tip for keeping up with your own stuff: I get to work early so I can do my own writing as a way to warm up for the day as the caffeine kicks in, and then since I feel like I accomplished some of my own thing, I can focus on my work’s writing better.


    • That’s a great idea, if I could wake up any earlier. This new schedule is kicking my butt, but hopefully I’ll become accustomed to it, and then maybe I can do that. I’ve always been a night person, and even when I worked before, I would always come home and write, so now I just have to figure out a new routine. Thanks for the advice!


  2. Congratulations.
    I have to say, it can be a tough balance between the full-time job writing in front of a computer and finding the passion to creatively do the same thing in your spare time for your own writing pursuits. I don’t have good advice on the subject. Personally, I was in a similar situation. The creative, personal-pursuit writing became too rare. After a full day in front of a computer at a draining job, I didn’t want to sit in front of the computer at night. I guess the advice I could impart is writing by hand. In notebooks and such. I do that often now, in all stages of a screenplay. And, actually, it helps with something else too. Because, inevitably, by the time I have a first draft of anything complete, I’ve already written it twice, essentially. Once by hand and once from hand-written to computer written. Sometimes it doesn’t change much from hand to computer, but it often does. And with a great blueprint going in to it. So, notebooks are great to have. I’ll dedicate an entire notebook to one screenplay, and still run out of room.


    • I haven’t written by hand in quite a while, but that would definitely be a nice change. I’ve tried to use my normal apps, etc and found the brightness of the computer too annoying, so I’ve barely been on it since I got the job. I figured it would just be a little adjustment, but it may have to be a complete overhaul. Thank you for the advice!


  3. Congratulations! I always wanted to write. It doesn’t even matter what type of writing – journalism, novels, poems and even screenwriting. Since I’m relatively new to the field, it’s going to be rough, but I’ll grow some thick skin. Best of luck with your profession!



    • Thank you, Renee! And good luck to you! My advice, try your hand at a little bit of everything, and see what you feel most passionately about. I always wanted to be a writer, but it wasn’t until I discovered screenwriting, that I found my calling.


  4. Yay!! Congrats. I just got a job on Thursday and I start on Monday. It’s for an account manager 1 position. Although I have an MFA in Creative Writing, I would LOVE to have a writing, but I’m in that pool where you have to take something to make money. Plus I’m in school for my PhD online so there’s that. I will continue to try and write. I’m doing Nano on the 1st and going to try and finish my screenplay. Best of luck to you! Keep me posted on how you like the job.


    • Thank you! And congratulations to you! Good luck with Nano, I’m thinking I should do something like that to kick start my personal writing ambitions again. I miss it. Best wishes to you! It sounds like you’re going to be a busy lady.


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