Writing Prompt #152

For this week’s writing prompt, I’m still in sci-fi/space theme mode. Just to forewarn you, I might be for a little while longer yet.

Photo by Edvin Richardson on Pexels.com

As is the usual, I went with the first image that struck me. I had the stirrings of an idea for an episode for my original series, or at least a part of it – the pilot is the thing in need of a rewrite.

So what does this bit of imagery spark in you? Feeling inspired to take on this week’s Writing Prompt Challenge?

I look forward to seeing your creations! Happy Writing!

Quote of the Week

Sometimes I need reminders. I need assurances. I need to take a deep breath and remember the good times.

This happens, on occasion, when I’m in a lull.

It’s easy to look at others’ success and compare, but that is not a wise course of action. There is no cause for jealousy in a field that is meant to inspire.

Whatever your creative pursuit, there is room enough in the world for all of it, and we should be cheering one another on for the accomplishment because we know what it took to get there.

Besides, taking the time to be bitter and resentful is just taking time away from being creative and making your own mark.

So (note to self) stop seething and focus on the task at hand (which is?), whatever that may be…

Happy Writing!

Writing Prompt #149

This week’s writing prompt is a unique piece, and I don’t know how I found it. I’ve had it saved for a couple of weeks now. I find it fascinating.

Photo by Navneet Shanu on Pexels.com

How about you? Are you feeling inspired to write with me? If you’re ever compelled to join in the Writing Prompt Challenge, please don’t forget to link or share! I look forward to your creations!

Happy Writing!

Writing Prompt #148

My brother just shared with me that he and his fiancé are planning on getting scuba certified prior to their trip to Hawaii in the fall. I am jealous. Some of you may recall, I was hoping to get recertified this year. I wanted to utilize something I enjoy to do something good for the environment. It has to be put off for the time being, so I suppose an underwater Writing Prompt will have to suffice.

Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels.com

Yeah, I’m not bitter or anything.

Are you looking for a little writing excursion? A break from the routine? If you’re inspired, join me in this week’s Writing Prompt Challenge and share your creation!

Happy Writing!

Mid-Year Goal Check

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

It’s June.

It doesn’t really feel like it, as the sun has only been out a few times this year so far. By now, in Vegas I would already be complaining about the heat, longing for cooler days, and here I am on the flip side, wishing for a day above 65 degrees.

Apparently, according to long-time PNW residents, this never-ending gloom is unusual. Like, hasn’t happened in 72 years. Didn’t they something similar last summer during the heat wave? Either way, I’m so happy we could be here to experience it. ((insert eye roll))

The lack of noticeable change in the seasons almost made me forget where we are in the year. Halfway through. Time for a check in on those annual goals.

You may recall I mentioned making them more “manageable” at some point.

Yes, this coming from the woman who wanted to watch a movie a week, read two books a month, read three screenplays a month, all while working full-time, having two dogs, writing, managing an Etsy shop, a desire to cosplay, starting a business, and so much more, in addition to all the other normal life stuff.

Yeah, hi. No wonder every year I was disappointed with my progress. I was out of control.

I decided to cut back this year, and having made it to the half way point, I am able to reflect with better clarity and rationale and say with all honesty, more attainable goals are so much more beneficial to my overall well-being.

This is something I’ve had to remind myself of, a lot – goals are just things to aspire to, not necessarily achieve. It’s a way to stay accountable. They are not meant to act as a measuring stick in order to judge the merit of our character based on whether we actually accomplished everything on our list.

*By the way, that’s all me. I’m guessing at this point, all those quotes I’ve shared have done their job.

We all want to make progress. We want some way of measuring how far we’ve come. Hence the goals. But when they are wildly out of reach when you have other responsibilities, the lack of reaching them can really hit our feelings of self-worth. That is so not the point.

My favorite Goal graphic

Things are hard enough as it is. Why torture ourselves further?

I’m happy to report that I’ve made some of my goals. This is big for me. I’m usually eyeballing December 31st with skepticism. I know it’s judging me. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, but having achieved some smaller and some larger goals, I feel a bit more confident moving forward.

And that’s all we need sometimes. A boost to our self-esteem.

Here are a few of the goals I’m happy with so far:

  1. My screenplay, Fate(s) is done. I will not touch it again without compensation. Pop the champagne! The troublesome child is ready to go out into the world!
  2. I completed the first draft of my fifth feature, Projection. Gotta say, I’m pretty satisfied. A rare state.
  3. I’m polishing up the next chapter in my fanfic series to get that off my mind. I’m sure more ideas will come knocking soon enough.
  4. I chose to only watch two movies a month instead of one a week. I’m currently sitting at 20/24. Not too shabby.
  5. I limited my book reading challenge, and not understanding how the library hold system works, it had been a while, ended up meeting that goal early on: 17/15.

My other goals were to get a new job (check), create a new writing space (partial check), and meet with a screenwriting coach (check). This I will cover separately.

More manageable goals are really the way to go. A feeling of accomplishment can really help the whole state of being and help on the long journey of our creative path.

How are your goals shaping up this year? Let’s celebrate our accomplishments and cheer one another on!

Happy Writing!

Writing Prompt #143

It’s Writing Prompt Day!

This week I was drawn to the idea of ruins and history and this is the image I found that spoke to me.

Photo by Tobias Bju00f8rkli on Pexels.com

Looking for a little inspiration? Want a break from your writing routine? Join this week’s Writing Prompt Challenge! Don’t forget to share your creations!

Happy Writing!

Writing Prompt #138

The weeks leading up to Halloween, I shared a few “darker” themed prompts, and I was drawn that way again for this week’s challenge, I don’t know why, but then I saw this:

I’m about two-thirds finished with the big rewrite on my TV pilot script which is about two sisters abducted by aliens, so when I saw this image, it made me giggle, and that changed my idea for today’s prompt.

Eventually I’ll be able to return to participating in the Writing Prompt Challenges, so in the meantime, I hope you’ll do it for me. 😉

Happy Writing!

Need a Laugh?

Or just want to nod your head in agreement?

I’ve come across these ecards before. In fact, I’ve saved a number of them on Pinterest, but this one was new and made me chuckle, for how many times did I believe I would remember an idea later?

I now keep paper and pens all over the house, in my purse, and car. I use the note app on my phone for the middle of the night or when I’m at work. If I’m in the car and can’t write something down, I repeat it over and over in my head until I come to a stop. I’ve learned my lesson by letting too many thoughts get away.

How many times have you told yourself this lie? 😉 And do you have any tips on how to avoid this to share?

Happy Writing!

Quote Monday

This week’s Quote Monday is more an interesting tidbit that we, as writers, can all understand. I enjoy meeting other writers and being part of a community of interesting, creative, unique individuals who see the world differently. Only another writer can understand the struggle, the isolation, the never-ending pull to create, and the strange idea that our characters tell us what they want.

I recently shared with a writer’s group how two of my characters had a mind of their own and continued to put themselves into a situation I didn’t want them in, yet. Obviously, I have control over it all, and yet, it was something they clearly wanted to do. I love when characters take control, but only another writer truly understands what this means. So when I saw this quote from Mr. King, which sums it up perfectly, I thought I’d share.

Since the release of my pup health scare related stress, I got my flow back and have been consumed with all the stories that require my attention – a much better stress to have.

So here’s to a productive week! Happy Writing!

Writing Prompt #121

Sort of interesting that the first prompt of 2021 ends in 21, right? Just me? Well, I have a thing for numbers…

I had an idea immediately upon reading this so it was easy to decide to share this for today’s writing prompt.

daughters of eden ideas | book series | girls with magic in their veins | @mpilarcruz

If one of your “resolutions” is to write or write more, I hope you’ll join me in the Writing Prompt Challenge. Be sure to share a link to your work in the comment section, and I look forward to seeing what you create!

Happy Writing!